Online Sessions Coming about Marin Homelessness
Meetings January 10 and 18 to field questions about programs and projects
San Rafael, CA – Two online public meetings are coming up about homelessness in Marin County and the planned conversion of a former skilled nursing facility in Larkspur into a permanent supportive housing (PSH) for people experiencing chronic homelessness.
The meetings are:
Homelessness in Marin County: 6 p.m. Monday, January 10 (participate on Zoom with passcode 570414 or dial 888-788-0099 with webinar ID 941 6010 0725 and passcode 570414); Spanish translation and captions available
Proposed Project Homekey Program at South Eliseo: 6 p.m. Tuesday, January 18 (participate on Zoom with passcode 795625 or dial 888-788-0099 with webinar ID 942 3787 1457 and passcode 795625); Spanish translation and captions available
The January 10 session is to be about Homelessness in Marin, including the Housing First initiative and the PSH program. The January 18 session will be focused on the 1251 South Eliseo Drive property in Larkspur. District 2 County Supervisor Katie Rice, who represents residents near the property, is scheduled to participate in the session along with other stakeholders. Both meetings are set up to provide a forum for project updates, gather feedback from residents, and answer questions.
The County of Marin is seeking funding from the State of California to support the acquisition, rehabilitation, and operation of a housing facility of 43-50 units at the Larkspur location. The site for single adult residents would be owned and operated by Episcopal Community Services (ECS), in partnership with the County of Marin. The project would be tied to the state’s housing program called Project Homekey, set up to protect those experiencing homelessness who are at high risk for serious illness and are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The South Eliseo property represents an opportunity to revitalize an underutilized parcel, help reduce homelessness in Marin, and earn credit toward the City of Larkspur’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation goals; the parcel is just inside Larkspur’s city limits.
Learn more on the County of Marin website about the property or Project Homekey or email Marin Department of Health and Human Services staff. Additional information about the project, including a list of frequently asked questions, can be found at That site also allows anyone interested to sign up for regular project updates.
For disability accommodations, please phone (415) 473-6358 (voice), CA Relay 711, or e-mail the Digital Access staff at least five business days in advance of the event. The County will do its best to fulfill requests received with less than five business days’ notice. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats, upon request.