For many voters, the most important election, perhaps the only election in which they vote, is for President.  These races are covered by the media for months, even years prior to election day.  The candidates are likely to be much better known, and the issues are presented as having national, even global, importance.

The case can be made, though, that it is in local government elections that voters can have the most power and the greatest influence.

A member who once served on a school board said to a friend in the next town, “If you see me shopping in your market, it’s because I’m in a hurry.”  She meant, “If I shop in my market, I’ll get stopped by voters who have school district issues to discuss.”


At the local level, voters can attend board, commission, and committee meetings; read and understand minutes and staff reports; serve on citizen advisory committees; call officials at home; even stop them in the aisle of the supermarket.

Local elections are where local League of Women Voters can make the biggest impact with Voter Service activities - voter registration, candidate forums and sharing local ballot information.

If you’re interested in empowering voters in Marin County, then Join our League TODAY !