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Marin Community College District (MCCD) Board of Truestees - District Map Meeting

  • VIRTUAL EVENT: Information below (map)


The Marin Community College District (MCCD) Board of Trustees is changing the way Trustees will be elected. In the past, Trustees were elected "at-large," where each Trustee was elected by all voters throughout Marin County. Under the new system, Trustees will be elected by voters from within the area a Trustee would represent. Trustees will also be required to live in the area they are representing. This type of election, called a By-Trustee-Area election, is to ensure there is better representation for all communities who live within MCCD's boundaries.

In following the California Voting Rights Act and the Elections and Education Codes, MCCD is holding a final public hearing to show the draft maps and hear from the community before the maps are finalized.

To let MCCD know what you think the maps should look like, you can create your own map utilizing the District website or you can take one of the previously created maps and modify it, then submit the map for consideration by the Board of Trustees.

Two additional maps have been submitted by members of the public for your review, and the map adoption time has been extended to January 2022! Four draft map scenarios (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 and Scenario 4) are available for your public comment at the January 18, 2022, 5 p.m. public hearing or by submitting your comments in the form.

MCCD encourages you to create your own map, review the draft map scenarios, and attend to give feedback at the next meeting or through the Redistricting suggestion box.

Upcoming MCCD Public Redistricting Meeting:

Tuesday, January 18, at 5 p.m. - virtual event.

Please visit to learn more including how to attend this meeting.