North Marin Water District

Completion Date: 5/12/2022

Between April and June 2019, the District established five electoral Divisions in order to transition to a Division-based election in which each Board member is elected by a specific Division within the District. Prospective Board Members must be registered voters and reside within the boundaries of the Division that they will represent. All five board members will continue to participate and vote on district wide matters regardless of what division they represent.

North Marin Water District Interactive Map

Check out the interactive map tool below to see which division you live in and which board member represents you here.

NOVATO fire protection District

Completion Date: 5/12/2022

Final District Voting Districts 2020

Final District Map

District-Based Election System - How Does it Work?

A district-based election system divides the Novato Fire District into geographic districts. Directors are required to live in the district that they represent and will be elected only by registered voters of that district

Frequently Asked Questions