Elective office 

District/Division Board Members


Election Day-180 (CA Election Code, section 22000)

Criteria Applied to Drawing District Lines

Equal Population - equal “as far as practicable.”
Compliance with Voting Rights Act

Criteria that may be given consideration:

  1. Topography

  2. Geography

  3. Cohesiveness, Contiguity, and Compactness of the territory

  4. Communities of Interest

    (CA Election Code, section 22000)

Hearing & Map Requirements

Hearings - Before adjusting the boundaries of a division pursuant to Section 22000 or for any other reason, the governing body of the district shall hold at least one public hearing on the proposal to adjust the boundaries of the division prior to the public hearing at which the governing body votes to approve or defeat the proposal. (CA Election Code, section 22001)