Student elections ambassador program (SEAP) Team

Our League works in partnership with the Marin County Office of Education & the Marin County Elections Dept. to coordinate the Marin County Student Elections Ambassador Program (SEAP). This is an exciting program led by students & recent graduates and supported by the partner organizations.

Learn More HERE

Team Leaders: Pam Cook & Vida Harband ,

SEAP Liaisons Awarded INTERN TEAM of the YEAR, 2023-24

by the Marin County Board of Supervisors

Congratulations to Caroline Foster, Jordan HArrosh & Alysha Lee.

Note: Jordan attended the award ceremony and accepted the award for the Liaison Team. SEAP support team members from the Marin County Elections Dept and LWVMC attended as well.

YOUTH TOWN HALL — Sunday, April 28 at the Marin County Civic Center

Photo: Bob Dell Photography

The Marin Student Elections Ambassador Program (SEAP) held a Youth Town Hall on Sunday, April 28 at the Marin Civic Center. SEAP Steering Committee student liaisons Alysha Lee, Caroline Foster, and Jordan Harrosh planned  the event, invited and briefed the elected officials, developed the promotional materials, recruited student volunteers, and ran the Town Hall. 

The Town Hall program opened with a special recorded message from Dr. Shirley Weber, California Secretary of State, and Lynda Roberts, Marin County Registrar of Voters, welcomed the group.  Panelists from all Marin County cities/towns responded to questions from students about issues ranging from how they became involved in politics to climate change to affordable housing to the best ways to serve in local government. There were approximately 75 attendees - more than double last year's inaugural town hall!

Photos: Bob Dell Photography

2024 - SEAP in the NEWS


CLICK HERE to read full Marin IJ article

2023 News Articles

Town Hall Article in Marin Magazine - June 2023 Issue - page 100