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California Citizens Redistricting Commission - Draft Maps and Public Comment

The following is the 14 day mandatory public comment period schedule of the California Redistricting Commission’s draft maps. For time of the meeting scheduled click here." (Alternately agenda screen shots from a schedule page.)


The CRC released draft maps on November 10, 2021. Participate in an upcoming CRC Draft Map Public Input Meeting to provide your feedback to the Commission.

Draft Map Public Input Meeting Schedule

November 17, 2021—Congressional District Feedback (Agenda)

November 18, 2021—Assembly District Feedback (Agenda)

November 19, 2021—Senate District Feedback (Agenda)

November 20, 2021—Board of Equalization & Any District Feedback (Agenda)

November 22, 2021—Any District feedback (Agenda)

November 23, 2021—Any District feedback (Agenda)

Here's what you can expect during the November 17-23 public input meetings.

    • Appointments for these meetings are full.

    • Appointments are not required to participate in these meetings.

    • The Commission will allow for non-appointment public comment at the end of each meeting day.

    • Participating in the Draft Map Public Input Meetings is not the only way to provide input to the Commission.

You can use the Commission's Draft Map Feedback Form ( or visit to see other ways to provide input to the Commission.