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"Where the Measure A Money Goes" : A Breakdown of Measure A Hosted by the Marin Coalition

"Where the Measure A Money Goes"

Hosted by the Marin Coalition


 Max Korten:     Director - Marin County Parks and Open Space

       David Lewis:    Director - UC Cooperative Extension, Marin County

Ruben Martin: Chief - Central Marin Fire Department

Measure A - the county-wide ¼¢ sales tax approved by the voters of Marin in 2012 - is dedicated to maintaining local parks, open space and farmland. The measure sunsets on Marc 31 of this year.

Based on community input and the continuing need, the Supervisors voted to place a renewal measure with a revised funding allotment on the June ballot. Since 2013, Measure A funds have supported infrastructure repairs, vegetation management, conservation, and public programs.

Our April program will feature three local officials with direct involvement in the use of the funds. They will discuss how Measure A funds will be used and new spending priorities.

As always, audience questions and participation will follow the formal program


  Date:              Tuesday April 12, 2022; NOON

Where:           Zoom Webinar (free!)


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