Board of Supervisors' Budget Workshops
The following provides a list of selected highlights from the Marin County Board of Supervisors agenda and is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the entire agenda. Please check out the Cyberagenda for a copy of the complete agenda as well as copies of these reports and others. Meetings typically begin at 9 AM; check the full cyberagenda.
March 28
Here are the top policy items on Supervisors’ agenda for Tuesday, March 28, 2023. The meeting is to begin at 9 a.m.
Update on OD Free Marin
OD Free Marin is a multiagency collaboration to reduce risks of drug overdose in Marin County. Distinct public education programs are designed for teens and young adults, parents, and educators. The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), one of the collaborating groups, will present an update to the Board the coalition’s strategies and goals for 2023. Public Health Officer Dr. Matt Willis will also review the spending plan for nearly $1 million per year in new opioid settlement funds. (Staff report)
Progress Report on Housing Element
Marin’s Housing Element update for 2023-2030 – part of the Marin Countywide Plan – was approved by the Board in January and sent to the State of California for certification. However, the Board will receive an annual update for 2015-2023 Housing Element update that describes accomplishments and challenges in implementing housing programs during 2022. By state law, all municipalities must be update Housing Elements every eight years and file annual reports with the state. (Staff report)
Affordable/Workforce Housing Update
No earlier than 1 p.m., the Board will continue its 2023-24 Budget Workshop that begins Monday, March 27, and concludes Wednesday, March 29.
See the County website for the full agenda, staff reports, meeting viewing and participation guidelines, and archival information.