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You are invited -Health and Human Services Committee Meeting

  • League of Women Voters of Marin County ZOOM Meeting (map)

"Marin Alternative Courts for Mental Health and Substance Abuse"  
Speakers: Carol Farrer, Deputy Public Defender  
Ryan Dunnigan, Psy.D., Star Court Program Supervisor, Marin BHRS

Carol Farrer & Ryan Dunnigan will discuss Marin County Superior Court's alternative probation program for defendants with a serious mental illness, the Support and Treatment After Release (STAR) Court.

STAR Court has had great success in decreasing the frequency of clients’ contacts with the criminal justice system by improving their social functioning skills and by linking them to employment, housing, regular treatment, and support services.

If you are not a member, and would like to attend, please send an email to  for the ZOOM link to register.

Questions? contact 

Doug Cooper, Chair  
