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2021 BAY AREA LEAGUE DAY: "Equity In Action"


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League Day 2021

The League of Women Voters of the Bay Area will host its annual Bay Area League Day on Saturday, March 6 at 9 a.m. The virtual gathering, “Equity in Action,” focuses on defining, measuring, and putting equity into practice to advance League goals for a just and inclusive society. The keynote speaker is San Francisco Foundation CEO Fred Blackwell (pictured here), who explains in his bio the reasons why he’s focused his career on social justice efforts. League Day also will include a call to action by Stephanie Doute, executive director of the LWV of California. Additional speakers and panels will address the economic impact of racism on multiple groups and how to create effective legislation that promotes equity in our communities. Register here to join League Day 2021 and follow Monitor Notes this month for additional information.
