The County of Marin Board of Supervisors has called for a Redistricting Public Hearing 1:30PM Tuesday, October 12, 2021. The meeting will be streamed live and the public are encouraged to participate.
Staff will report on the redistricting process and permissible criteria to be considered to redraw the supervisor district boundaries and receive public input on communities of interest and potential district boundaries.
Do you believe you and your community are in the right supervisorial district? If not, in what district would your community be better served and why is that the case? Current Supervisor District lines.
This is your chance to have your suggestions considered by the supervisiors as they redraw district lines.
The public may participate before the meeting by emailing comments to or at the meeting at the Zoom website. Details on how to participate will be found at
Zoom Conect:
Join by computer or mobile device
Meeting ID: 947 4251 8384
Password: 352533
Use the "Raise Hand" button to inform the moderator that you would like to comment.
The Marin County Redistricting web site address is