LWVUS - League of Women Voters Welcomes Bipartisan Agreement to Curb Gun Violence in Our Communities

League of Women Voters Welcomes Bipartisan Agreement to Curb Gun Violence in Our Communities, June 13, 2022

WASHINGTON — Today, League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following statement welcoming the US Senate’s bipartisan framework to reduce the threat of gun violence in our schools and communities.  

"Today we are pleased to see a bipartisan group of senators working together to pass legislation that will serve and protect the American people. We commend those senators who have upheld their oath of office by working across party lines to find common ground on an issue the American public overwhelmingly supports. We know that comprehensive legislative reform must still be passed to reduce gun violence and increase public safety for our nation. This agreement, which would be the most historic gun safety measure in the last thirty years, is good progress towards this goal and will save lives. In the wake of the recent gun violence, we urge the Senate to move forward with this legislation to ensure that the horrific mass shootings of our children and our communities come to an end."